From the kitchen of: MKuking
By: Chef Asman 77
A simple, easy-to-make dish that can be prepared in minutes! Perfect for a lazy day in or when you're craving for something hearty. You can never go wrong with a classic Nasi Goreng.

1. Pound ingredients: Onion, Garlic, Red chili padi, Blacan & Fried Ikan Bilis (if no pestle & mortar, blend all items, if you have pestle & mortar don't be lazy-pound them)
A tip is to pound the ingredients so it tastes better!
2. Heat up wok with sufficient cooking oil
3. Throw in the pounded/blended ingredients
4. Mix well till cooked
5. Drop in salt-to-taste
6.Drop in egg batter
7. Drop in rice
8. Mix & stir well & keep flipping
9. Drop in fried ikan bilis and vegetables
10. Serve!
1. Pound ingredients: Onion, Garlic, Red chili padi, Blacan & Fried Ikan Bilis (if no pestle & mortar, blend all items, if you have pestle & mortar don't be lazy-pound them)
A tip is to pound the ingredients so it tastes better!
2. Heat up wok with sufficient cooking oil
3. Throw in the pounded/blended ingredients
4. Mix well till cooked
5. Drop in salt-to-taste
6.Drop in egg batter
7. Drop in rice
8. Mix & stir well & keep flipping
9. Drop in fried ikan bilis and vegetables
10. Serve!