What do you get when you join IMG Organization.

Welcome to IMG Organization. If you are already a member, you can start enjoying all the training and programmes for FREE. Just watch out for the announcements in the WA group.

If you are not a member yet, do register today so that you won’t miss any of the benefits that you will not get elsewhere.

The IMG benefits are worth more than $10,000 in value and comes largely in 3 forms.

Firstly, the self-development and interpersonal monthly free courses conducted over 2 hours during a weekend. The courses cover 7 modules of 2 topics each. They are:

Module 1 – Contact Sales Techniques and Mind Reading Using Body Language

Module 2 – Discovering the Leader in You and the Art of Influence

Module 3 – Personal and Business Branding

Module 4 – Charisma Building and Art of Negotiation

Module 5 – Story Telling and Public Speaking

Module 6 – Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution

Module 7 – Network Management and Agile Marketing

All of the topics above are commercially available and they are all worth more than $7500. The sessions are modular and they will be conducted twice (for the benefit of those who missed the first round).

Secondly, members who want to be a mentor or wish to be mentored can also enrolled in out MENTOR360 programmes. Those wanting to learn how to be a mentor can join the Mentor Leadership Programme (MLP) and those who want to brush on their mentorship skills can join the Reverse Mentoring Programme (RMP). These 2 programmes on their own are worth $3,000. The aim is to equip members with a holistic mentoring skill that they can apply wherever they are. In addition, members can also join the direct mentoring programme under Fahmi Rais. The programme called Personal Protege Program seeks to equip mentees with the skill to be a good Growth Hack Coaches.

Thirdly, members who wish to be a Trainer or Coach can participate in the Train-to-be-a-Trainer Scheme (TTS). This is a 6 months programme that will lead participants to be certified as a Trainer by Asia Brand Academy Pte Ltd. Qualified Trainers can then opt to deliver soft skills training in IMG or elsewhere. 

As you can see for a token of $208 membership fee (which you will get more than your money back with the Asentar 2 boxes of supplements worth $376), you are getting way more in terms of invaluable knowledge and skills that can definitely help you climb the social mobility ladder.

On top of all of the above, we also conduct weekly knowledge snippet sessions on selected topics in the IMG Organization whatsapp group so that the learning culture can be further enhanced and enshrined.

We are the only group in Singapore that is dedicating ourselves to help the community one free module /programme at a time. Our hope is that through the up-skilling of individuals, the community as a whole will be uplifted befitting with our motto of ‘Let us invest in You’.



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