Ok here is the delivery of the 23rd snippet sharing and I hope that it will enable you to be a better presenter with these tips. Let’s take a look at the recommendation made Guy Kawasaki, an entrepreneur , author and marketing specialist.
According to Guy, a pitch should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points. This rule is applicable for any presentation to reach an agreement: for example, raising capital, making a sale, forming a partnership, etc.
Ten slides. Ten is the optimal number of slides in a PowerPoint presentation because a normal human being cannot comprehend more than ten concepts in a meeting—and venture capitalists are very normal. (The only difference between you and venture capitalist is that he is getting paid to gamble with someone else’s money). If you must use more than ten slides to explain your business, you probably don’t have a business.
Twenty minutes. You should give your ten slides in twenty minutes. Sure, you have an hour time slot, but you’re using a Windows laptop, so it will take forty minutes to make it work with the projector. Even if the setup goes perfectly, people will arrive late and have to leave early. In a perfect world, you give your pitch in twenty minutes, and you have forty minutes left for discussion.
Thirty-point font. The majority of the presentations that I see have text in a ten-point font. As much text as possible is jammed into the slide, and then the presenter reads it. However, as soon as the audience figures out that you’re reading the text, it reads ahead of you because it can read faster than you can speak. The result is that you and the audience are out of synch.
You can use and improvised his presentation technique from the link here. Download and keep it as it is very useful and easy-guide-to-adapt – https://www.canva.com/design/DAEhUeYe_fo/view?utm_content=DAEhUeYe_fo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer